Rotations Yrs 3-6

Published on: Author: cxyz

Learning Intention
I am learning to…

  • create designs, developing and expanding my ideas, (3/4)
  • communicate design ideas, using drawings with labels. (3/4)
  • explain how the features of technologies affect my designs (5/6)
  • combine design ideas and show my plans using diagrams (5/6)

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I…

  • investigate how suitable materials and components are for my purpose, (3/4)
  • investigate how forces affect the behaviour of a product. (3/4)
  • investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, and components, (5/6)
  • evaluate the impact of their use. (5/6)
  • investigate how forces can control movement in a designed product (5/6)

To learn this I will…

  • plan and build given structures,
  • plan and build my own structures.

How will I learn this?

Rotating groups will work with different materials and components each week.


Many machines work with gears.

Gears are wheels with teeth.

They control and make use of force to drive movement.

Use the Gears Set to design and build a machine that moves.

Explain the purpose of the machine.

Lego Logos

Make your name in Lego.

Design a logo that represents you.

Make this logo with Lego. Combine it with your name.

Here is the Firefox logo mage in Lego.

[Image source]

Marble Race

Design a track configuration that will allow the marbles to reach the end of the course without help.

Consider how this activity works. What force is providing the power?

For the Teacher

Australian Curriculum Design and Technologies Years 5-6 

Learning Intention
Students will learn to…

  • create designed solutions, developing and expanding ideas, (3/4)
  • communicate design ideas for their designed products, using drawings, including annotations. (3/4)
  • explain how the features of technologies impact on designed solutions (5/6)
  • combine design ideas and communicate these to audiences using graphical representation techniques (5/6)

Success Criteria
Students will demonstrate their learning when they…

  • investigate the suitability of materials and components for a range of purposes (3/4)
  • investigate how forces affect the behaviour of a product. (3/4)
  • investigate characteristics and properties of a range of materials, and components, (5/6)
  • evaluate the impact of their use. (5/6)
  • investigate how forces can control movement in a designed product (5/6)