Add Your Term Letter to Your Blog

Published on: Author: cxyz


Each term a new Term Letter will be added to classroom blogs. Before adding the new letter, remove the test of the existing letter and also remove the Print Version of the letter (a PDF file) from Media > Library. This is important to conserve space on your blog.

Inserting the Text Version

Put a link near the top of the homepage to the Term Letter
e.g. Term Letter – Term 1 – 2014

Link to the page where the Term Letter is.
Highlight the text. In the Link area is a list of existing pages. Select page.  Do not open in a new window as this is an internal link.

On the Term Letter page, paste the text into the blog.
It is wise to do this in stages rather than the whole slab in case formatting runs amuck. If it is not looking good, delete and do it this way:

In Safari Menu select Paste and Match Style or use the Paste as plain text icon (T) or  Paste from Word icon (W) in the page editor of the Edublogs page.

If you use any of these options you will need to reformat the text so paragraph by paragraph is most advisable here.

Add some formatting, e.g. bold and/or coloured headings. Use the ‘Paragraph’ drop down box to select heading sizes. Check them as they are not always as they appear.

Remove any underlined text as this will be mistaken for a link.

Inserting the Print Version

  1. Convert your file to PDF.
  2. Upload the PDF file to the Library.
  3. Locate it in the Library.
  4. Click its Edit link.
  5. In the window that appears find the URL of the PDF (right of screen).
  6. Click on this multiple times to highlight to ensure you collect it all, including what might not be in view. Copy it.
  7. Go to the term Letter page.
  8. Type Print Version.
  9. Make a link on this text to the URL you have copied.
  10. Select Open in new window for this link.
  11. Always remember to remove this PDF file from Media > Library when no longer needed.