Learn to Scratch

Published on: Author: cxyz

Learn to use Scratch which is a visual programming environment. You will develop a series of projects that will introduce you to different coding techniques.


Learning Intentions
I am learning to…

  • design, modify and follow simple algorithms,
  • identify problems and develop algorithms to fix the problems.

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I…

  • use coding blocks to design digital programs,
  • find and debug errors in my coding.

To do this I will…

Learn to use the Scratch program by working through its tutorials and exercises.

Getting Started with Scratch

Introduction to Scratch

  1. Go to the Scratch Website. Click on Try it out.
  2. Under Getting Started with Scratch, click Begin.
  3. Work through each step to create Start Moving.
  4. Important: When you reach the step Share! Login to the Scratch site to see this button: see_project_page
  5. Follow the instructions: Type in notes to explain how to use your project. Give credit to anyone who helped.
  6. Do not click Share! We will share some of our work later.

Exploring Further

  • Under all_tips are 8 more projects to help you learn how to program with Scratch.
  • Do each one in order.
  • Remember, do not Share.


Starter Projects: Try out these starter projects from the Scratch Team. Look inside to make changes and add your ideas. Then try your own.

Plenty of How To Help

Video Tutorials

Short, Snappy Tutorials in Scratch

Task 1

Build a maze game in Scratch.

Task 2

Create an interactive game in Scratch

  • Create an interactive game in Scratch
  • The sprites should interact with each other.
  • The users should be able to interact with the game.
  • Develop a scoring system
  • Develop levels of increasing difficulty.

For the Teacher

From the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies Year 5-6

Learning Intentions
Students will learn to…

  • design, modify and follow simple algorithms.
  • define problems and develop algorithms to address the problems
  • incorporate a user interface in their design,
  • implement digital solutions using a visual program.

Success Criteria
Students will demonstrate their learning when they…

  • use coding blocks to design digital programs,
  • experiment with different options that involve repeat instructions.
  • make decisions between two or more actions depending on sets of conditions (branching),
  • identify and debug errors in their coding, drawing on previously solved problems.

Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

  • Design a user interface for a digital system.
    • Design a user interface for a maze game
    • Generate alternative designs for each level of a maze game.
  • Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition).
    • Learn to use basic coding blocks.
    • Expand on basic elements by investigating coding features required as the game challenges develop.
  • Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input.
    • Experiment with different options that involve repeat instructions by using Repeat Blocks.
    • Plan and create a maze game with levels of increasing difficulty.
    • Planning and implementing a solution using a visual programming language (Scratch) to design and create a simple computer game involving decisions and repetitions, that requires user input to make selections, taking into account user responses.
  • Define problems in terms of data and functional requirements drawing on previously solved problems.
    • Checking existing solutions to identify features that are transferable by investigating a number of online game formats that might serve as a model for the game being created.