I can use a computer

Published on: Author: cxyz

Prep children will learn to use a computer. They will participate in hands-on activities that will help them develop basic computer skills.


Learning Intentions
I am learning to…

  • know what a computer does,
  • solve problems when I use a computer.

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I…

  • can find my way around a computer,
  • use a computer to do my work.

To do this I will…

  • log onto the network,
  • control a mouse,
  • locate and open software,
  • use menu items, buttons and links
  • enter text and images,
  • create images
  • create a digital product.
  • recognise I own my own work.

Use a mouse

Click each picture to do a jigsaw.




For the Teacher

Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies Years P-2

Learning Intentions
Students will learn to…

  • identify how common digital systems (hardware and software) are used to meet specific purposes.
  • design solutions to simple problems using a sequence of steps and decisions.

Success Criteria
Students will demonstrate their learning when they…

  • recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose
  • explore how people safely use common information systems to meet information, communication and recreation needs.